Canadian Manufacturing

Unions endorse mass sit-in against tar sands pipelines, tankers on B.C. coast

by Canadian Manufacturing Daily Staff   

Manufacturing Energy Canadian Auto Workers CAW CEP Communications Energy and Paperworkers CUPE protest

Defend Our Coast mass sit-in staged for Oct. 22

VANCOUVER—A handful of national and provincial unions have rallied together to join a mass sit-in in October against tar sands tankers and pipelines in Victoria, B.C.

The Communications Energy and Paperworkers’ union (CEP), Canadian Auto Workers’ (CAW), B.C. Teachers’ Federation, United Fishermen and Allied Workers’ Union-CAW and the Canadian Union of Public Employees B.C. (CUPE B.C.) have all added their names to the growing list endorsing the Oct. 22 Defend Our Coast mass sit-in.

“More than 50 B.C. communities have said ‘no’ to these tar sands export pipelines and the tanker traffic they will bring to B.C.’s pristine coastline,” CUPE B.C. President Barry O’Neill said in a statement. “That’s along with 132 First Nations, and thousands of working people right across Canada who say no.”


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