Canadian Manufacturing

Nova Chemicals becomes first Canadian-based company to participate in OCS Blue

by Cleantech Canada Staff   

Cleantech Canada
Environment Manufacturing

OCS Blue is an international product stewardship program aimed at the prevention of plastic pellet, flake and powder leakage to the environment

PHOTO: Nova Chemicals

CALGARY – Nova Chemicals Corp. says it is the first Canadian-based company to publicly pledge its commitment to Operation Clean Sweep Blue (OCS Blue) and verify compliance within all program parameters by Jan 1, 2022.

OCS Blue is an international product stewardship program aimed at the prevention of plastic pellet, flake and powder leakage to the environment, and Nova says it requires enhanced company engagement, transparent reporting and formal audit. Moving forward, Nova says OCS Blue metrics for all its facilities will be reported in compliance with the program in the chemical firm’s annual Sustainability Report.

“We are proud to be the first Canadian-based company to pledge our commitment to Operation Clean Sweep Blue as a continuation of our Responsible Care journey. By working together with our suppliers, transportation partners and customers, we are actively managing our operations so that plastic pellets are not released into our waterways,” said Arnel Santos, senior vice-president of operations, Nova Chemicals, in a prepared statement.

“We know plastic products have great value, making our everyday lives healthier, easier and safer. We also agree that plastic waste does not belong in our oceans or the environment. Our commitment to Operation Clean Sweep Blue is another important step toward supporting the plastics circular economy, and creating a world free of plastic pollution, starting with the pellet,” said Sarah Marshall, director of sustainability, Nova Chemicals, also in a statement.

Recently Nova joined the Alliance to End Plastic Waste as one of its founding members. It says the growing group of more than 40 global companies is one of the most comprehensive business consortiums across the entire plastics and consumer goods value chains. The Alliance has pledged more than US$1 billion with a goal of investing US$1.5 billion over five years to help eliminate plastic waste in the environment and especially the oceans.

Nova has also been a partner to Project STOP since 2018, pledging nearly US$2 million over three years to prevent plastic debris from reaching the ocean. Project STOP is a global initiative to design and implement solutions to reduce marine plastic pollution, especially in Indonesia where economic development and plastics consumption have outpaced waste management systems.


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