Canadian Manufacturing

GRI brings corporate transparency sessions to GLOBE

by Marjella Alma   

Cleantech Canada
Sustainability Cleantech GLOBE GRI Sustainability transparency

Speakers will cover regulations, financial markets and other drivers of sustainability reporting

VANCOUVER—Today’s global challenges—a volatile economy, natural disasters, supply chain challenges—require organizations to be transparent beyond the mere ‘bottom line’. A collective response from government, business, and civil society is critical to accelerating the change towards a more sustainable and inclusive global economy, and shaping a world of transparency together.

That’s why Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is partnering with GLOBE 2014 to deliver the Transparency Track at North America’s largest sustainable business summit.

GRI is a leading organization in the sustainability field. It has pioneered and developed a comprehensive Sustainability Reporting Framework used by more than 5,000 organizations around the world. G4 is the latest version of GRI’s Sustainability Reporting Guidelines—the core document in its Reporting Framework.

This year, at GLOBE’s 13th biennial conference, GRI will put the topic of corporate transparency on the GLOBE agenda for the very first time. Hosted by GRI, the Transparency Track is an integral part of the conference. It features a keynote by GRI’s chairman Christy Wood, exclusive networking and trade show opportunities, and four premier sessions, which will look at key drivers of enhanced corporate transparency.

Session themes include the post-2015 engagement architecture pioneered by the UN Global Compact, WBCSD (World Business Council for Sustainable Development) and GRI; the changing regulatory landscape, and how government and private industry create more sustainable business practices together. It will also look at the growing role of the CFO, financial markets and the move towards responsible capital management.

Join us in Vancouver to hear from leading voices in the business and CSR world, including:

• Dr. Anthony Hodge, president of the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM);
• Jessica Fries, executive chair of The Prince’s Accounting for Sustainability Project (A4S);
• Peter Bakker, president of WBCSD;
• Tom Carnac, president of Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) North America; and Warren Allen, president of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC).

You can also make the most of the conference experience by learning more about GRI’s G4 Guidelines in a pre-conference G4 Certified Training, hosted by trainers from Sustainalytics on March 24 and 25, and benefit from a reduced registration fee for GLOBE of 20 percent.

After the course ends on Tuesday, March 25 GRI and UNGC will welcome training participants and their closest network supporters to an exclusive, invitation-only event.

Registration for the conference is available on the GLOBE 2014 website. GRI network supporters receive a discount of 10 percent by registering with the following code: CLEANTECH10

If you have any questions about the conference, or want more information, contact the GRI Focal Point USA & Canada and follow GRI on our blog for updates.

Marjella Alma is interim head, GRI Focal Point USA & Canada with GRI (Global Reporting Initiative). For more information on the Transparency Track visit:


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