Canadian Manufacturing

Alberta project aims to turn carbon emissions into commercial products

by Cleantech Canada Staff   

Cleantech Canada
Environment Financing Manufacturing Research & Development Sustainability Technology / IIoT Cleantech Energy

Scientists at a facility in Calgary will attempt to create building materials, alternative fuels and commercial goods from carbon emissions; feds and province are contributing $20M to the project

CALGARY— A new Calgary research facility will become the first of its kind in North America to test technology that could turn carbon dioxide emissions into usable commercial products.

The specialized facility, which will be located at the Shepard Energy Centre in Calgary, will allow researchers to test carbon-use technologies at near-commercial scale, with the goal of creating new, usable products: building materials, alternative fuels and commercial goods.

Kent Hehr, Member of Parliament for Calgary Centre, announced Mar. 3 that the Government of Canada will provide up to $10 million to InnoTech Alberta’s Carbon Conversion Technology Centre project. The Government of Alberta is matching the federal investment.

“The Alberta Carbon Conversion Technology Centre will be a top-class facility here in Calgary that brings together the best researchers from industry, governments, academic institutions and around the world to work together on innovative solutions that will benefit Alberta, Canada and the world,” Hehr said.

InnoTech Alberta and Canada’s Oil Sands Innovation Alliance (COSIA) joint industry partnership are also providing in-kind contributions to the project.

The Alberta and federal governments recently signed an agreement to expand on previous collaborative partnerships between governments and the private sector on research for cleaner oil sands developments, and the federal government plans to double its cleantech R&D funding to $775 million by 2020.


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