Canadian Manufacturing

Lethbridge to get a PrairiesCan service location

by CM staff   

Financing Human Resources Manufacturing Infrastructure Public Sector government of Canada Lethbridge Prairies PrairiesCan service location

Over $11.2 million for Lethbridge area organizations and communities announced at the newest PrairiesCan service location.

Minister Vandal announces new PrairiesCan service location in Lethbridge and federal investments across southern Alberta (Photo: CNW Group/Prairies Economic Development Canada)

LETHBRIDGE — The Government of Canada is opening seven new PrairiesCan regional offices across the Prairies, including in Lethbridge.

“Southern Alberta plays a large part in Alberta’s prosperity, which is why our government is making investments so the region can continue to build on its strengths while creating and attracting high quality jobs Canadian workers can depend on,” Dan Vandal, Minister for PrairiesCan. “Our new PrairiesCan service location in Lethbridge allows us to work with local partners and sharpen our focus on further strengthening the area’s economy. This is just one more example of our government is working in partnership with communities on the Prairies to create new pathways for economic growth and respond to local priorities.”

As part of the launch, Minister Vandal announced over $11.2 million in PrairiesCan funding for 18 projects to support tourism, community economic development, and innovation across southern Alberta, supporting 230 jobs. Examples of projects receiving support include:

  • Lethbridge College is receiving over $2 million to establish an agriculture innovation centre for small- and medium-sized companies focused on agricultural technologies and agri-food products.
  • The University of Lethbridge is receiving over $1.4 million to establish a centre of expertise to develop commercial applications for health management and monitoring, as well as $868,300 to establish a work integrated learning centre for Indigenous youth.
  • Alberta Sugar Beet Growers in Taber is receiving over $242,000 to evaluate new market opportunities to grow Alberta’s sugar beet industry.
  • Lethbridge & District Exhibition is receiving over $3.5 million to install and provide state-of-the art digitization of the Lethbridge Agri-Food and Trade Centre.
  • The Galt Museum is receiving $75,000 to re-purpose an under-utilized space to create “Lethbridge Onscreen,” an outdoor audio/visual interpretive display to showcase local artwork and cultural exhibitions.


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