Canadian Manufacturing

GBLT Corp. receives follow on order from recently added retailer

by CM Staff   

Manufacturing COVID-19 PPE

Follow-up order for an additional 25,000 FFP2 masks.

TORONTO and DUEREN — GBLT Corp. is pleased to announce that a major European retailer has added a follow-on order for an additional 25,000 FFP2 masks. As previously announced on December 2nd, 2020 the retailer had made its first order Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) of 25,000 FFP2 masks and have now gone on to add this second order as a follow-on. The German retailer has 222 physical stores throughout Germany with these masks being the first listed product with the retailer.

“Our branding strategy has proven to be highly effective throughout Europe as we continue to see growing demand for the Dr. Senst brand of PPE solutions,” said Dr. Thilo Senst, CEO of GBLT. “Our well-established supply-chain and distribution network allows us to quickly match the demand from retailers seeking to stock shelves with our products with no delay or concern about not being able to fulfill orders. These orders are a testament to the many years of established and trusted relationships we have built with some of the largest retailers across Europe and their trust in GBLT by continuing to use us as listed vendor and re-ordering our solutions.”

FFP2 masks are considered professional and medical grade masks compared to the FFP1 masks that are more commonly found throughout European regions. FFP2 have filter capacity of approximately 94%, comparable to the North American standard masks of N95 that offer filter capacity of 95%, relative to FFP1 masks that have an 80% filter capacity.


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