Canadian Manufacturing

Cdn. manufacturers form alliance with medical device OEMs

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The partnership includes a full range of services including front-end engineering and design services, 510k approval pathways, device and machine validation, pre-clinical testing, and commercialization.

Precision ADM, EOS, Tecomet and OIC (CNW Group/PADM Medical Group)

CHICAGO — Four companies in the medical device manufacturing industry, EOS, Tecomet, Orthopaedic Innovation Centre (OIC) and Precision ADM announced a collaborative partnership offering an end-to-end solution for medical device additive manufacturing (AM). The partnership includes a full range of services including front-end engineering and design services, 510k approval pathways, device and machine validation, pre-clinical testing, and commercialization.

The adoption of AM in the medical device market is rapidly increasing due to the proven patient benefits, and the uncertainty in global supply chains where industrial 3D printing has proven to be more robust. With this new partnership, a complete end-to-end solution is provided to customers starting from product design and process development over large-scale manufacturing all the way to testing, validation and FDA submission. The advantage for medical OEMs is a significant reduction in product development lead-time, and a reduced time to market and overall risk, while leveraging the most recent manufacturing innovations.

Key to this partnership are the strengths and industry knowledge of each organization which delivers a seamless, turnkey solution for medical device AM. Specifically, EOS is experienced in both metal and polymer AM, while Tecomet specializes in the precision manufacturing of medical devices and components. OIC provides accredited medical device testing and contract clinical research services to the orthopedic industry. Precision ADM provides comprehensive engineering and AM contract services to the medical device industry. The cohesive team enables medical device manufacturers to compress their time-to-market.

“Scaling AM medical device production requires a complete understanding of the process chain which goes beyond just printing and includes design, post-processing, testing, sterilization, and packaging among other steps,” said Dr. Gregory Hayes, EOS SVP of Applied Engineering. “Our partnership with Tecomet, OIC and Precision ADM will yield unparalleled additive manufacturing expertise to help medical device manufacturers navigate the complexities of the regulatory environment while delivering high-quality, reliable products.”


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