Canadian Manufacturing

Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission finalizes co-operation agreement with India

by Canadian Manufacturing Daily Staff   

Canadian Manufacturing
Manufacturing Energy Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission Energy India nuclear

Ensures compliance with Canada's nuclear non-proliferation policy

SASKATOON—The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) has finalized an agreement with India’s Department of Atomic Energy that will make sure Canadian nuclear exports are only used at Indian facilities that comply with International Atomic Energy Agency safeguards.

The Appropriate Arrangement Pursuant to the Canada-India Nuclear Cooperation Agreement provides guidelines for Canadian nuclear firms doing trade with India. Ultimately it will preserve Canada’s nuclear non-proliferation policy, which only allows for the export of nuclear products for peaceful purposes. Canada and India signed the initial agreement in June 2010.

“This is an important step towards full implementation of the Nuclear Cooperation Agreement between Canada and India, which will create new opportunities for the Canadian nuclear industry,” said Joe Oliver, minister of natural resources, today during a speech at Cameco Corp.’s headquarters in Saskatoon. Cameco is one of the world’s largest producers of uranium.

India currently ranks fourth in the world for energy consumption and it’s usage is expected to triple over the next two-and-a-half decades. Canada’s $5 billion nuclear generation sector employs about 17,000 people while the $1 billion uranium mining industry supports 5,000 direct jobs, according to Natural Resources Canada.

Implementation of the Nuclear Cooperation Agreement will be overseen by the CNSC. Canada now has signed 28 such agreements covering 45 countries.


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