Canadian Manufacturing

EP&T: Researchers develop biodegradable printed displays

by EP&T Magazine   

Manufacturing Technology / IIoT Electronics advanced manufacturing Internet of Things IoT Manufacturing Technology

Sustainable displays based on natural materials are now possible through feasible production methods.

The biodegradeable display can be worn directly on the hand, thanks to its flexibility and adhesion. Source: Manuel Pietsch, KIT.

In the coming years, increasing use of electronic devices in consumables and new technologies for the internet of things (IoT) will increase the amount of electronic waste. To save resources and minimize E-waste volumes, an eco-friendlier production and more sustainable lifecycle will be needed. Scientists at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in Germany have now been the first to produce displays, whose biodegradability has been checked and certified by an independent office.

“For the first time, we have demonstrated that it is possible to produce sustainable displays that are largely based on natural materials with the help of industrially relevant production methods. After use, these displays are no electronic scrap, but can be composted. In combination with recycling and reuse, this might help minimize or completely prevent some of the environmental impacts of electronic scrap,” says Manuel Pietsch, first author of the publication and researcher of KIT’s Light Technology Institute (LTI), who is working at the Heidelberg InnovationLab.

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