Canadian Manufacturing

Sanofi Canada maintains Gender Parity Certification

by CM staff   

Human Resources News Women in Manufacturing Public Sector award Business certification Gender Parity Certification Sanofi Canada Women in Governance

The certification recognizes the commitments and actions of companies to achieve gender parity at all levels of business.

Photo: CNW Group/Sanofi-Aventis Canada Inc.

TORONTO — Sanofi Canada has earned Gender Parity Certification for 2022 awarded by Women in Governance (WiG). The company reached a new milestone this year by achieving Platinum-level following three years of Gold Parity recognition.

“We are thrilled for the recognition of our commitment to creating a work environment that is inclusive and empowers women across our organization to be successful and represented in leadership roles,” said Stéphanie Veyrun-Manetti, Canada Country Lead and General Manager, Specialty Care. “Here in Canada, we are proud that 51 per cent of our employees are women and 54 per cent of our leadership positions are held by women. This shows our continued progress and demonstrates how achieving gender parity remains a top priority for our organization.”

Sanofi has set a goal for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I), which is to build leadership and teams that reflect the diversity of its communities. Globally, the company’s objective is to achieve equal representation of women and men among global senior leaders by 2025.

Over the course of 2022, Sanofi Canada has deployed initiatives in DE&I, such as career development opportunities for women; “self-identification” initiative to better understand Sanofi’s employee population and better serve their needs; and new diversity dashboards that track key performance indicators for gender and ethnicity balance at all levels.

“I am proud to be part of a company that puts DE&I at the forefront of our priorities, with gender parity being an important part of that journey. DE&I has become a cornerstone of our company strategy, with efforts to embrace greater inclusion in every aspect of our interactions, from employees to healthcare providers and patients,” said Benoît Lemelin, People Business Partner, Canada. “Fostering gender equality at Sanofi throughout all levels of our organization helps us attract and retain the best talents of all genders, making us a stronger and more successful company.”


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