Canadian Manufacturing

Keep oil sands research scientific, not political

by The Canadian Press   

Sustainability Energy Oil & Gas Alberta Athabasca river First Nations Oil Sands

Feds to follow advice of expert panel

OTTAWA: A government-appointed expert panel says environmental research into the impact of Canada’s oil sands should be based on science, not politics.

The panel also recommended that a systematic environmental review be conducted by a new science-based body with leading scientists and both federal and provincial officials.

It says there’s already a lot of environmental monitoring in the region, but it’s not well organized and there’s no consensus on how the oilsands affect the environment.

The panel says a credible monitoring system is “fundamental’” to the long-term viability of the oilsands.

The federal government established the panel in September and asked it to report on the state of environmental research and monitoring in the oilsands region.

Recently, there have been worries about heavy metals leaching into the Athabasca River and deformed fish being caught in local waters.

© copyright The Canadian Press


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