Canadian Manufacturing

Report finds less than 50% of Canadian small businesses have websites

by The Canadian Press   

Canadian Manufacturing
Small Business Business growth

While study focused mainly on retail sector, it found just 45.5 per cent of Canadian businesses are online

MONTREAL—A new study says fewer than half of Canada’s small businesses have an online presence and they may be losing out on sales opportunities.

The Canadian Internet Registration Authority says three-quarters of Canadians research purchases online, but only 41.1 per cent of small businesses have a website.

Overall, the study found that just 45.5 per cent of Canadian businesses are online.

It also found that two out of every three dollars Canadians spend online go south of the border.

The study also found that half of Canadians surveyed said they prefer .ca domain on a website over .com for business use and for online activities that require the disclosure of personal information such as shopping or banking.

The study was done by the organization that manages the .ca domain.


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