Canadian Manufacturing

SNC wins contract to build effluent treatment plant for Chilean copper miner

by Canadian Staff   

Canadian Manufacturing
Financing Manufacturing Operations Procurement Sustainability Infrastructure Mining & Resources

Canadian firm to oversee project at Codelco's Chuquicamata Copper Smelter

MONTREAL—SNC-Lavalin Inc. has won a contract to build a new effluent treatment plant at a copper smelting plant in northern Chile.

Awarded by major South American mining company Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile, better known as Codelco, SNC will oversee engineering, procurement and construction of the treatment plant in Chile’s Antofagasta region.

The new plant will replace an existing facility at the Chuquicamata Copper Smelter, making the overall site more efficient.

The Canadian construction firm did not release the value of the contract.

SNC plans to manage the project out of its Santiago, Chile office, while its Montreal office will provide some design support.

The new treatment plant is expected to be up and running within 21 months.


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