Canadian Manufacturing

Workers at N.L. co-gen plant ratify new collective agreement

by Canadian Manufacturing Daily Staff   

Canadian Manufacturing
Operations Energy Mining & Resources atlantic Energy labour Pulp and Paper

Unifor union said workers at Kruger Inc. co-generation plant in Corner Brook, N.L., approved deal

CORNER BROOK, N.L.—The union representing employees at a co-generation plant in western Newfoundland said workers have ratified a new agreement with facility owner Kruger Inc.

According to Unifor, employees at Kruger’s co-generation plant agreed to the new deal that expires June 30, 2015, marking the seventh and final agreement the union has struck with the company over the last 18 months.

“By renewing these collective agreements in a proactive and collaborative manner, we’re hoping it will enable the mill to reposition itself to take advantage of any opportunities in the future,” Unifor national rep Gary Healey said in a statement.

Employees of the co-gen plant produce power for Kruger’s Corner Brook pulp and paper mill.

The facility has been in operation for more than 85 years.

“While this was a difficult round of negotiations, we are proud of the fact that we were able to protect the defined benefit pension plan, while making wage gains after a period of nearly five years of frozen wages,” said Healey.

“I’m happy that we were able to come to an agreement without any dispute as is the case in a large majority of our negotiations.”

A major wood and paper products manufacturer, Kruger has facilities throughout British Columbia, Ontario, Quebec and Newfoundland and Labrador.

Its energy unit owns and operates 34 renewable energy production sites throughout Canada and the United States.


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