Canadian Manufacturing

Enbridge to spend $400M, expand Alberta to US pipeline capacity

by The Canadian Press   

Operations Energy Alberta Enbridge pipeline

Firm says project involves increasing pumping horsepower, no new line pipe construction involved

CALGARY—Enbridge Inc. plans to spend $400-million to expand the capacity of its pipeline system between Hardisty, Alta., and the U.S. border.

Enbridge says the project involves increasing pumping horsepower and that no new line pipe construction is involved.

It expects to increase capacity by 230,000 barrels a day when the upgrade comes on line in 2015, subject to regulatory approvals.

The Canadian mainline is held by Enbridge Pipelines Inc. (EPI), a wholly owned subsidiary of Enbridge Inc.

The company says the expansion has been approved by mainline shippers under the terms of EPI’s Competitive Tolling Settlement.

Enbridge is a major player in the North American energy market where it operates the world’s longest crude oil and liquids pipeline system.

The company also has a significant and growing natural gas gathering, transmission and midstream business and an increasing involvement in power transmission.


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