Canadian Manufacturing

Workers more productive today than 5 years ago, study shows

by Canadian Manufacturing Daily Staff   

Canadian Manufacturing
Manufacturing labour productivity

More than 70 per cent of employers and employees say worker productivity is up

TORONTO—A vast majority of both both employees and employers believe Canadian workers are more productive today than they were five years ago, a new study shows.

According to a survey from Staples Canada, more than 70 per cent of employers and employees say that worker productivity is up.

Another 55 per cent of employers and employees say mobile technology is important and viewed as aiding productivity in the workplace today, while 40 per cent feel break times are beneficial.

Telecommuting is viewed as an option that increases productivity among 58 per cent of companies that allow their employees the flexibility to work remotely, but both employers and employees feel that technology limitations (56 per cent), employee burnout (44 per cent) and non-collaborative work environments (36 per cent) are the top three reasons for decreased productivity in the workplace.

Both employers and employees agree that there are a number of other hurdles to productivity, including the selection of the wrong items to meet office needs, such as office supplies, furniture, technology and cleaning supplies is also limiting productivity in the work place (52 percent believe these purchasing activities are limiting productivity in the work place).

Texting or e-mailing friends and family (59 per cent) or socializing with co-workers in the office (56 per cent) are viewed as the primary ‘personal business’ time-wasters and productivity-limiting activities that employees engage in at work.

Employers and employees also weighed in on how a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy impacts productivity.

Despite mobile technology being touted as a tool for greater productivity, only 34 per cent of companies have a BYOD policy.

“We’re seeing a trend in the right direction with more than 70 per cent of employers and employees saying they’re more productive now than five years ago,” Staples Advantage Canada president Michael Zahra said in a statement.

“But there are still improvements to be made, especially when it comes to having the right tools and resources.”


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