Canadian Manufacturing

Timken shutting St. Thomas, Ont. plant

by The Canadian Press   

Manufacturing Automotive labour layoffs recession

The plant will close in about a year and will cost 150 jobs.

ST.THOMAS, Ont.—Auto parts producer Timken Co. is closing a plant in St. Thomas, Ont. in about a year, which will result in 150 lost jobs.

The Ohio-based maker of bearings for transport trucks and other vehicles says production will be transferred over the next year to its operations in Ohio, as well as North and South Carolina.

It adds that customer service for the Canadian market will be moved to its offices in Toronto.

Timken says changes to its customer base have reduced demand for the products made in St. Thomas.

The plant, built in 1946, is the latest closure in an area where the local economy has been hard hit by the latest manufacturing slump.

Ford of Canada shut down an assembly plant in the town in September, 2011, putting 1,200 employees out of work.


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