Canadian Manufacturing

Regulator grants extra week to prep for $1.5B Maritime Link hearing

by The Canadian Press   

Canadian Manufacturing
Manufacturing Emera Inc. Lower Power Rates Alliance Muskrat Falls Utility and Review Board

The three-day hearing originally scheduled to begin next week will now begin Nov. 14

HALIFAX—Nova Scotia’s regulator has granted interveners an extra week to prepare for a hearing on a complex commercial agreement for the proposed $1.5-billion Maritime Link project.

The Utility and Review Board says the three-day hearing originally scheduled to begin next week will now begin Nov. 14.

The board granted requests for a delay by the Lower Power Rates Alliance, the Progressive Conservative caucus and Nova Scotia’s consumer and small business advocates on the so-called compliance filing.

All want more time to consider the agreement.

Emera Inc., the Nova Scotia energy company behind the plan to build a subsea transmission cable that would ship hydroelectricity from the Muskrat Falls project from Newfoundland to Nova Scotia also submitted a letter insisting that a quick decision is necessary because any delay could lead to higher financing and contract costs.

But in its decision the review board says the company provided no indication of the critical dates that have to be met and it feels the intervenors request for more time is reasonable.


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