Canadian Manufacturing

Oil Sands industry awards highlight social, environmental action

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Canadian Manufacturing
Manufacturing Energy Oil & Gas Cenovus chevron Encana health and safety Suncor

The awards are part of the CAPP Responsible Canadian Energy (RCE) program. CAPP's 2013 RCE winners were chosen from a record 33 project nominations.

CALGARY—The Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers presented awards to five oil and natural gas companies for innovative environmental, safety and social projects that demonstrate responsible resource development.

The awards are part of the CAPP Responsible Canadian Energy (RCE) program. CAPP’s 2013 RCE winners were chosen from a record 33 project nominations.

The awards are selected by the RCE Advisory Group from the nominated projects.

Health and Safety Award
Chevron – Beaufort Sirluaq Seismic Program
From August to early October 2012, Chevron Canada Ltd. conducted a three-dimensional marine seismic program 240 kilometres northwest of Tuktoyaktuk, NWT. in the Beaufort Sea. In the face of numerous challenges, early and thorough planning, effective stakeholder consultation and relentless care and collaboration during execution won the day as Chevron and its contractors completed the program without incurring a single recordable safety or environmental incident and captured a record 3,658 square kilometres of data, ahead of schedule and on budget.

Social Performance Award
Suncor – David Thompson Corridor Visitor Services Program
The David Thompson Corridor Visitor Services Program is a five-year partnership (2009 – 2014) between Suncor Energy and Alberta Parks. Suncor is providing funding for five years to benefit programs. To date, a full-time visitor services program supervisor has been hired, environmental education programs have been provided to regional students, public interpretive programs have been delivered and numerous partnerships in support of Alberta Parks have been established.

Environmental Performance Award
Cenovus – SkyStrat drilling rig
Cenovus developed the SkyStrat drilling rig to improve stratigraphic drilling programs in the oil sands. It is approximately two-thirds the size of a conventional rig and can be transported by helicopter. To date, the rig has drilled 18 wells in the oil sands with a significantly reduced the surface footprint. It also has the potential to reduce water use for drilling operations by up to 50 per cent. Cenovus plans to drill approximately 25 stratigraphic wells with SkyStrat in 2013 and is beginning construction of a second rig.

Chair’s Award
ARC Resources – Dawson Gas Plant Low Emissions Facility
ARC’s decision to build a low emissions facility was a long-term investment promising significant benefits for operations and the surrounding residents. The facility incorporates emissions-reducing practices such as: electrification, high efficiency motors and acid-gas injection. Greenhouse gas emissions have been reduced and the plant’s overall carbon footprint has decreased by approximately 60,000 tonnes per year – equivalent to the emissions generated by approximately 9,700 households in the period of one year.

President’s Award
Encana – Responsible Products Program/Horn River Basin Recycling/Race Against Hunger
Responsible Products Program
Encana implemented a program to manage chemical additives used in hydraulic fracturing. The Responsible Products Program assess its hydraulic fracturing fluid systems for potential impacts to human health or the environment using widely accepted toxicological criteria. Encana has determined that none of the hydraulic fracturing products it uses contain arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead or mercury and is committed to verifying none of these heavy metals are used in its hydraulic fracturing operations in the future. Encana also prohibits the use of hydraulic fracturing fluid products containing diesel, 2-Butoxyethanol and benzene.

Horn River Basin Recycling
In 2009 Encana began a waste reduction program in its work camps located in northeastern British Columbia’s Horn River Basin. Recyclables were collected at the camps and stored in 50-foot trailers before being transported to Fort Nelson and donated to local community groups. In 2012 Encana and the Northern Rockies Social Planning Council created a sorting facility where individuals with barriers to employment, fund-raising groups and others in need are able to sort the containers and return items for cash.

Race Against Hunger
The Race Against Hunger program is a partnership between Encana and the World Professional Chuckwagon Association that benefits local food banks in Encana’s operating areas in Alberta and British Columbia.


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