Canadian Manufacturing

Enbridge’s Seaway affiliate reverses pipeline flow to help move oil southward

by The Canadian Press   

Canadian Manufacturing
Manufacturing Energy Oil & Gas Enbridge oklahoma pipeline

Project seen as one way to increase flow of crude from Alberta to refineries in Gulf of Mexico region

CALGARY—Seaway Crude Oil Pipeline Corp., an affiliate of Calgary-based Enbridge Inc., has completed reversing the flow of a 800-kilometre stretch of pipeline so it can carry oil from a hub in Oklahoma to refineries further south.

The project is seen as one way to increase the flow of crude from Alberta to the refineries in the Gulf of Mexico region.

A long-standing bottleneck at a major oil storage hub at Cushing, Okla., has been cited as one reason Alberta crude sells at a discount to other types of oil.

Seaway Crude Oil Pipeline Company LLC announced from Houston that the capacity along the line has been increased to 400,000 barrels per day.

The reversal project had been done on a staged basis and service was suspended on Jan. 2 so that remaining pump station connections could be completed.

The Seaway partnership is owned 50-50 by Enbridge and Enterprise Products Partners.


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