Canadian Manufacturing

Electric Mobility Canada announces support for a proposed ZEV sales mandate

by CM Staff   

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There are twice as many EV models offered now than a couple of years ago, yet Canadian inventory on sales lots remain very low.

MONTREAL — Electric Mobility Canada (EMC) says that they fully support the government of Canada’s engagement towards adopting a national Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) sales mandate in 2022 to guarantee sufficient supply and sales of electric vehicles (EVs) across Canada.

“These days, consumers are trapped between record high gas prices and little to no electric vehicle supply on dealers’ lots. They are told that they may have to wait between six months and two years to get a new electric vehicle, which is completely unacceptable because many consumers will simply choose a gas vehicle rather than wait. In states and provinces with ZEV mandates, consumers have access to and buy more EVs while people in other states and provinces get the leftovers of the world’s EV supply,” stated Daniel Breton, President & CEO of Electric Mobility Canada.

In January 2021, Québec’s 2018-2020 ZEV mandate implementation report indicated that “some motor vehicle manufacturers have clearly stated that they are prioritizing Quebec within the Canadian market due to the ZEV standard.” According to the March 2021 report from Dunsky Energy and Climate on ZEV availability, “less than a quarter of dealerships nation-wide have three or more ZEVs in stock. Outside of Quebec, BC and Ontario, only 18% of dealerships have any ZEVs available at all, and only 4% have 5 or more.”

According to the data and a statement released by EMC, there are twice as many EV models offered now than a couple of years ago, yet Canadian inventory remains very low.

EMC says they support increased rebates, EV education and accelerated infrastructure deployment as other important elements needed to ensure Canada reaches its climate and ZEV adoption targets.


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