Canadian Manufacturing

CEP president to oppose Keystone XL in New York City, union says

by Canadian Manufacturing Daily Staff   

Canadian Manufacturing
Manufacturing Energy CEP communications Energy and Paperworkers Keystone XL labour Northern Gateway union

Union believes it is necessary to transition away from fossil energies, invest in green energies

OTTAWA—As demonstrators continue to wage an ethical and environmental war against the proposed Northern Gateway pipeline, one of the nation’s largest unions is drawing its own line in the sand against another project.

The Communications, Energy and Paperworkers (CEP) union announced its president, Dave Coles, will voice opposition to the controversial Keystone XL project during a presentation in New York City.

“As Canada’s largest energy union, CEP has always believed strongly that the climate crisis must be addressed in the most pressing terms,” Coles said in a statement.

“It is why we oppose export pipelines such as Keystone XL that sell off our oil resources and kill jobs in the process.”

The union said it believes it is necessary to transition away from fossil energies by reducing emissions and investing in green energies while ensuring a just transition for energy workers and their communities.

Coles will represent Canada’s energy workers and share CEP’s vision during the New York event discussing the role of trade unions in confronting the climate crisis.

The event was organized by the Worker Institute at Cornell and the Joseph S. Murphy Institute at City University New York (CUNY).

According to the union, Coles will call on U.S. President Barack Obama to reject the project.


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