Canadian Manufacturing

Canada is considering tougher GHG rules for shipping

The Canadian Press

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Although shipping represents less than three per cent of global emissions, they increased by 10 per cent between 2012 and 2018.

Canada is considering an international proposal that would double the ambition of its greenhouse gas emissions targets from shipping — a plan observers say the country seems ready to support.

A committee of the International Maritime Organization, which sets the rules for the high seas, is debating a resolution this week that would set a net-zero target for all international shipping by 2050. The current target is to halve emissions by that date.

On Nov. 19, Transport Canada officials briefed stakeholders on the positions its representatives would take at the meeting.

“In that stakeholder discussion, Canada said it would be supporting the resolution,” said Andrew Dumbrille of the World Wildlife Fund, who was in the briefing.

Canada, which has an overall target of net-zero by 2050, also spoke in favour of the resolution on Nov. 22 as the meeting opened, Dumbrille said.

“They made a very clear and unambiguous statement,” he said.

Transport Canada wouldn’t confirm its position while the meeting was ongoing.

“Canada reiterated its commitment to reducing emissions from international shipping, in line with the Paris Agreement,” spokesperson Sau Sau Liu said in an email. “Sending a clear and strong signal on ambition is essential as the full decarbonization of the sector will require significant efforts and investments.”

The resolution, proposed by a group of island states threatened by sea level rise, is expected to be discussed until the committee meetings close on Nov. 26.

Although shipping represents less than three per cent of global emissions, they increased by 10 per cent between 2012 and 2018.

“It’s quite a big deal,” said Dumbrille. “Action on climate change is a global concern and the target at the IMO has been considered weak for years.”

The language in the resolution is non-binding, saying only that current targets are inadequate and net-zero is “essential.”

Dumbrille said even that’s an advance, and would start to bring shipping in line with what other economic sectors are already pledging.

“When the world is marching toward zero by 2050 in other sectors, for the IMO to be saying 50 per cent is woefully inadequate.”


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