Canadian Manufacturing

Bombardier signs US$60M maintenance contract for Melbourne signalling system

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Canadian Manufacturing
Manufacturing Operations Sales & Marketing Transportation

Bombardier's transportation division will provide ten years of maintenance for the OPTIFLO rail control system it is providing for Melbourne, Australia's Metro Tunnel project

Bombardier says its OPTIFLO suite employs a range of service solutions to monitor rail systems. PHOTO: Bombardier

BERLIN, Germany—Bombardier Transportation announced April 18 that it has signed a maintenance contract with Metro Trains Melbourne.

The firm will provide ten years of maintenance services for its rail control system being delivered for Melbourne, Australia’s new Metro Tunnel—a massive public transport project in the state of Victoria.

The contract is valued at US$60 million and includes an option for five additional years of maintenance services.

In December 2017, Bombardier won the contract to install its OPTIFLO service for the project, an electronic system the firm says detects rail service failure patterns and uses algorithms to anticipate future failures and enable preventive maintenance actions.

Andrew Dudgeon, managing director of Bombardier Transportation Australia, said, “This order reflects our ongoing commitment to improving urban mobility across Melbourne. Bombardier’s range of signalling services will enhance rail network performance and greatly improve the passenger experience. We are excited to be delivering this project to Victorians.”

The transportation giant has been active in Australia for more than 60 years.


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