Canadian Manufacturing

Trade deficit edges down on reduced imports and exports: StatsCan

by The Canadian Press   

Canadian Manufacturing
Financing Operations Procurement Automotive Mining & Resources Economy finance trade

Exports declined 1.6 per cent to $39.3-billion as prices decreased, volumes slipped

OTTAWA—Statistics Canada says the country’s merchandise deficit declined sharply to $303-million in May from $951-million in April as imports fell much more quickly than exports.

Imports were down 3.2 per cent to $39.6-billion after four consecutive monthly increases.

Exports declined 1.6 per cent to $39.3-billion as prices decreased one per cent and volumes slipped 0.7 per cent.

The overall decline in exports was led by metal and non-metallic mineral products, as well as motor vehicles and parts.

Imports from the United States declined two per cent to $25.7-billion and exports to the U.S. decreased 1.6 per cent $29.2-billion.

That raised the trade surplus with the U.S. to $3.5-billion in May from $3.4-billion in April.

Imports from countries other than the U.S. fell 5.3 per cent to $13.9-billion and exports to those countries slipped 1.6 per cent to $10.1-billion, cutting the trade deficit in this sector to $3.8-billion in May from $4.4-billion in April.


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