Canadian Manufacturing

Teck shoots down merger rumours

by Canadian Staff   

Canadian Manufacturing
Exporting & Importing Financing Operations Regulation Mining & Resources

The Vancouver-based mining company was asked by Canada's investment regulator to respond

VANCOUVER—Diversified resource company Teck Resources Ltd. has issued a press release denying rumours of a potential merger with Antofagasta PLC, a copper mining company based in Chile.

“At the request of [the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada] on behalf of The Toronto Stock Exchange, Teck Resources Ltd., has taken note of press reports to the effect that it is in discussions with Antofagasta plc (“Antofagasta”) regarding a possible merger with Antofagasta,” Teck said in its press release. “Teck reports that it is not in discussions with Antofagasta in relation to any form of transaction, and there are no other corporate developments that justify any significant movement in its share price.”

Teck is a diversified resource company with major business units focused on copper, coal for steel making, zinc and energy. Teck is Headquartered in Vancouver.


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