Canadian Manufacturing

WSIB: Tips to prevent repetitive strain injuries

by CM Staff   

Canadian Manufacturing
Human Resources Manufacturing Research & Development Risk & Compliance Infrastructure health human resources In Focus Manufacturing Research

Data from WSIB has indicated that workers in the manufacturing, retail, schedule 2 and non-hospital healthcare industries report the highest rates of RSIs.

PHOTO: Getty Images/andresr

Workers aged 25 to 29 years reported higher incidents of repetitive strain injuries (RSI) last year according to data from the Workplace Safety Insurance Board.

In the years before the coronavirus pandemic and consequent shift to remote work, the highest number of RSI claims typically came from workers aged 50 to 54.

Data from WSIB has indicated that workers in the manufacturing, retail, schedule 2 and non-hospital healthcare industries report the highest rates of RSIs.

Overall, RSI claims constitute 30 per cent of all lost-time claims reported to WSIB who says that these types of injuries are among the most preventative. Since 2015, a near 80 per cent of injuries reported have been sprains, tendonitis and hernias.

Workers report injuries to their backs, shoulders, knees and ankles more than any other part of the body.

In an effort to help workers mitigate workplace injuries and strains, WSIB has put out a one-minute video on ergonomics. The video focuses on RSI’s related to sitting for extended periods of time and shares tips on how to prevent such injuries.



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