Canadian Manufacturing

Common mistakes in the adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies [VIDEO]

Rehana Begg   

Canadian Manufacturing
Financing Manufacturing Operations Risk & Compliance Technology / IIoT Electronics

Paul Hogendoorn talks about the skills gap, resistance to machine monitoring and summarizes his three-step process for addressing risk

Paul Hogendoorn was a presenter at this year’s Advantage Through Excellence conference, produced by Excellence in Manufacturing Consortium (EMC). 

The founder and president of FreePoint Technologies in London, Ont., says he supports Canadian manufacturers in adopting new technology while investing in their greatest asset – their people.

During his presentation he talked about resistance to machine monitoring and outlined three common mistakes in the adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies:

  1. The plan ignores the human element,
  2. The plan is not measuring the right thing (OEE is not always the answer), and
  3. The plans do not line up with the corporate vision and value.

In this video, Hogendoorn summarizes a three-step process for addressing these risks.


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