Canadian Manufacturing

Canadian Security: Q&A: Harry Moseley, CIO, Zoom

by Canadian Security   

Canadian Security
Technology / IIoT Electronics Public Sector

Canadian Security recently spoke with Harry Moseley, CIO at Zoom Video Communications, one of the companies at the centre of COVID-19

Harry Moseley, Zoom

In mid-March, most people left their offices, went home and stayed there. Gatherings — work and play — moved online and now everything from live TV shows to church services are being conducted by video conferencing platforms.

Canadian Security recently spoke with Harry Moseley, CIO at Zoom Video Communications, one of the companies at the centre of this global transformation. Moseley spoke about what it’s like to experience massive growth in only a few months, the cybersecurity challenges that come with that growth, and Zoom’s 90-day security plan. The conversation was conducted via Zoom (what else?).

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