Canadian Manufacturing


Stories continue below

Environment Manufacturing Technology / IIoT

September 8, 2020
Ballard introduces commercial zero-emission module to power ships

Financing Research & Development

September 8, 2020
Nearly half of all Canadians feel less financially secure due to COVID-19

Research & Development Supply Chain

September 8, 2020
Post-pandemic contract research organization market to Reach US$63.83B by 2024: report


September 8, 2020
German machinery industry sees big production drop this year


September 8, 2020
Defying US, Xi praises China, WHO for battling coronavirus

Exporting & Importing

September 8, 2020
Hopes muted as EU and UK talk again about post-Brexit ties

Technology / IIoT

September 8, 2020
China launches initiative for global data security issues

Environment Sustainability

September 8, 2020
Canada missing target to cut methane emissions by 2025

Environment Exporting & Importing Sustainability

September 8, 2020
Feds pushed to abandon trade talks with Brazil over Amazon deforestation


September 8, 2020
RCMP investigates hot tubs stolen from Alberta manufacturing site

Exporting & Importing Manufacturing

September 8, 2020
Chinese chipmaker SMIC denies military ties as US steps trade feud

Environment Sustainability

September 8, 2020
Cleaner LNG one answer to climate change crisis: O’Regan

Human Resources

September 4, 2020
Tories ask languages czar to probe choice of WE Charity for student program

Human Resources

September 4, 2020
Canadian economy added 246K jobs in August, unemployment rate 10.2%

Human Resources

September 4, 2020
Trump suggests polling place double check for mail in voters

Financing Human Resources

September 4, 2020
B.C. school districts will use federal COVID-19 cash to fit needs: minister

Human Resources Regulation

September 4, 2020
B.C. at a precipice to flatten COVID-19 curve, Henry says ahead of long weekend

Environment Sustainability

September 4, 2020
Locusts now threatening parts of southern Africa, UN says

Risk & Compliance

September 4, 2020
New cases reported in Salmonella outbreak linked to U.S. grown peaches


September 4, 2020
Oilsands tailings ponds leaking; federal enforcement unclear: report


September 4, 2020
OPG’s Darlington refurbishment project achieves milestone

Exporting & Importing

September 4, 2020
Company behind tariffs on Canadian aluminum confronts critics in Canada, U.S.

Regulation Research & Development

September 4, 2020
Experts say pooled COVID testing could help in safe return to school


September 4, 2020
Trudeau says program extension delayed some CERB payments

Sales & Marketing

September 3, 2020
EU share of electric cars grew during virus lockdown months


September 3, 2020
UN chief urges Japan, others to meet goals on climate change