Wind farm fight continues in Picton, Ont.
by The Canadian Press
A group fighting a wind farm development south of Picton, Ont., says its final appeal will be heard in December
BELLEVILLE, Ont.—A group fighting a controversial wind farm development south of Picton, Ont., says its final appeal will be heard in December.
The Prince Edward County Field Naturalists says it has been told that the Court of Appeal for Ontario will hear the case in Toronto on Dec. 8 and 9.
The group will explain why it is opposed to Gilead Power’s plans for a nine-turbine facility at Ostrander Point along the north shore of Lake Ontario.
The activists believe it is the wrong place for a wind farm for a number of reasons, including the area’s importance to migrating birds, bats and butterflies.
The group was granted permission earlier this summer to appeal an Ontario Divisional Court ruling.
That ruling agreed with the developer and the Environment Ministry’s appeal of an Environmental Review Tribunal finding that the project should not proceed.